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Vns Hostel


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About Property

In the midst of 2013 we identified an opportunity of developing a state of art residential complex on Waghodia road near Dattpura Village which was to create an excellent housing opportunity for all students and patrons in need of them Thus VRAJ NIDHI SAMANVAY was born …… VRAJ NIDHI SAMANVAY (VNS) Hostel for boys. Perfectly designed rooms and interiors give the great ambience for a pleasant living. The Hostel has been well designed and meticulously planned considering the privacy of the individuals. On the opening window, when we give the introduction, we aim to provide quality of living, maintaining standard of accommodation with modern amenities and safety on priority. VNS Hostel is situated OPP. VADPADRAKA HOTEL AND RESORT, BETWEEN SUMANDEEP & PARUL UNIVERSITY DATTAPURA-ALWA ROAD, OFF WAGHODIA STATE HIGHWAY, VADODARA.

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30 days
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Rs 10 per unit

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Property Rules

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1) All payment have to be made up-front by the student enrolling at VNS hostel. Fees may be paid in 2 installments.1st installment (at the time of admission) in the month of july 60% fees paid and 2nd installment shall be of 40% due on November. Over and above, if any body pay whole year fees, 5% discount shall be availed. The amount of fees paid is totally non refundable. The security deposit will be refunded only in the very last month of the contract. in case of any mischief by student and make any damage to property of hostel the amount of damage shall be recovered from deposit under intimation to student, at the time of occasions. Deposit refund amount shall be amount deposit given at the time of admission deduct amount penalty during the year.

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2) Student will have to provide his id proof + address + 2 photographs along with id + address proof of one of his parents.

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3) The term starts from 1st July and ends on 30th June every year. which may please be noted. If any student vacant

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room before completion of academic year i.e. before June , no fees shall be refunded.

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Smt Falguni Sheth,Currently acts as a managing director to VNS Hostel Rising from the reigns of domestication, She has very gracefully moulded her role in to a successful management aid looking after overall operations of VNS Hostel. Her overall management expertise is well known to the support staff at VNS Hostel. vns hostel begine in the year 2015 an from than she run property with 100% occupancy every year.

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Vns Hostel

In the midst of 2013 we identified an opportunity of developing a state of art residential complex on Waghodia road near Dattpura Village which was to create an excellent housing opportunity for all students and patrons in need of them Thus VRAJ NIDHI SAMANVAY was born …… VRAJ NIDHI SAMANVAY (VNS) Hostel for boys. Perfectly designed rooms and interiors give the great ambience for a pleasant living. The Hostel has been well designed and meticulously planned considering the privacy of the individuals. On the opening window, when we give the introduction, we aim to provide quality of living, maintaining standard of accommodation with modern amenities and safety on priority. VNS Hostel is situated OPP. VADPADRAKA HOTEL AND RESORT, BETWEEN SUMANDEEP & PARUL UNIVERSITY DATTAPURA-ALWA ROAD, OFF WAGHODIA STATE HIGHWAY, VADODARA.

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btwn. sumandeep and parul uni. Dattapura - Alva Road, Waghodia Road, Limda Vadodara Gujrat 391760

8487045600, 9409117158 8487045600, 9409117158

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